Katie Grandinetti

Katie Grandinetti

Sales Representative
Ottawa - Ontario
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Katie Grandinetti - Sales Representative


Whether purchasing or selling a home for your first or tenth time, Katie understands that it can be a daunting process and her number one goal is to make sure that you have an all-around great experience. Having an extensive background in the real estate industry, Katie knows the ropes and will make certain to show up for you every single time. From late night paperwork to offer negotiations in the grocery store, Katie will always make sure that your best interests are taken care of. Timing is everything and Katie is always on time. Katie is always thinking two steps ahead and utilizes her strategy and negotiation skills to the fullest. Katie’s personality is very outgoing and approachable, she will always make sure that you feel right at home!
Work as a Team:
You will work directly with me

Specializations (5)

Services Provided (21)

To Buyers:
Home Inspection
Lawyer Recommendations
Listing Notifications
Market Analysis
Mortgage Agent Recommendations
Neighbourhood Reports
Off Market Listings
Property Previews
Virtual Walk-Through
To Sellers:
Dedicated Website
Home Cleaning
Home Staging
Lawyer Recommendations
Market Analysis
Online Marketing
Open House
Print Marketing
Professional Photography
Virtual Tour

Mutual Contacts

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Desired Connections (7)

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Team Details

Katie Grandinetti is not currently a member of a team on FCA.

Brokerage Contact

ReMax Affiliates Boardwalk
Broker of Record:
Peter Bastedo
430 Hazeldean Road Unit 6
Kanata - Ontario


Client (0)

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client recommendations.

Industry (0)

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industry recommendations.

Articles (0)

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